
Alternate human kite fbw
Alternate human kite fbw

alternate human kite fbw

  • After Call Girl using Selfie Stick Strike.
  • "Whoa, people are still alive down here?".
  • After using Wrath of Kite, enemies still active.
  • "By the power vested in my laser eyes, I now pronounce you ON FIRE!".
  • "It's been fun, Freedom Pals, but now we have to say goodbye.".
  • Using Wrath of Kite on Freedom Pals, Civil War, Civil War 2: Playtime's Over and The Thin White Line.
  • "Not gonna lie, this is really gonna hurt.".
  • "My Wrath will pound you with pillars of flames!".
  • "Forecast is blustery with a big chance of WRATH OF KITE.".
  • alternate human kite fbw

    "I have a sudden urge to fly up to the stratosphere and just go nuclear on these pukes."."Not sure if you know but hell hath no fury like WRATH OF KITE."."Feeling kind of wrathy right now, I won't lie!"."Let's see, what would reduce these fools to cinders, oh I know, WRATH OF KITE.".

    alternate human kite fbw

    "I forecast gentle breezes with a high chance of lasers and burning."."Galvanizing Gust - and now you have a damage-absorbing shield!"."Just relax and let me blow you back to health."."Turns out looks CAN kill, right guys?".Your eyebrows should grow back eventually." "Warning: Do not look directly into my fucking laser eyes."."The best part of being a kite is the lasers."."Now that's how you give the third degree.".


    Your skin might be a little tender for a while."

  • "Hope you enjoyed your laser treatment.
  • "I'm telling you, New Kid - he's messing with powers beyond his control!".
  • alternate human kite fbw

    Alternate Universe Human Kite is unpredictable and extremely dangerous."

  • New Kid idle, Alternate Universes Collide.
  • "This is way more of Stan's dad than I ever wanted to see.".
  • "When in doubt, punch something really hard.".
  • "There's no time limit on turns, right?".
  • "Sorry guys, got a lot to consider here.".
  • New Kid turn start, Alternate Universes Collide Again.
  • "New Kid's gonna kick your ass, Freedom Pals!".
  • New Kid turn start, against Freedom Pals, Civil War.
  • "Super Fart Kid isn't looking so super right now.
  • Turn start, Alternate Universes Collide Again.
  • Turn start, versus Buca de Faggoncini Cooks.
  • "Forecast: 100% chance of Kite attack!".
  • "The wind brings it with justice: Human Kite is here!".
  • "These updrafts have recharged my eye lasers! Human Kite is ready!".
  • "Beware, evil! For from the sky comes a kite!".
  • "Check your watch, crime: It's kite time.".
  • "Half-kite, half-man, all crime fighter!".
  • "It's about to smell like burning in here.".
  • "New Kid, why are there ninjas after you?!".
  • Battle start, versus Bartles and healing.
  • "How many times have I farted on you? Zero!".
  • Farting for you is like tapping a button.
  • "There's nothing wrong with a boy being feminine, New Kid.
  • When using Fartkour Down next to Gerald Broflovski after completing For Nippopolis.
  • "Kind of chilly up here, I wish my costumes had sleeves.".
  • When standing on a high place after using Fartkour.
  • "You ARE Mitch Conner! You always have BEEN Mitch Conner! And you better stop RIGHT FUCKING NOW!".
  • "Cartman, I swear to god, if you don't knock it off I'm-".
  • "We're ALL Freedom Pals! We're from the future, you fat turd.".
  • "Get out of the way, you guys! We've got to stop Cartman before he starts all this!".
  • "I think we should probably forget this ever happened and definitely never talk about it.".
  • During The Thin White Line, after fighting Jared.
  • During The Thin White Line, Jared not spared.
  • "It was right of you not to fart in his face after he told us what we needed to know.
  • During The Thin White Line, Jared spared.
  • "Dude, aren't you supposed to infiltrate the Freedom Pals? Get going.".
  • "Shut up! It's not Mitch "stupid fucking" Conner!".
  • "REALLY?! You sent a newbie to my distress call?! You're such a dick, Coon!".
  • Usually he is very level-headed, but he often bickers with The Coon ( Eric Cartman), for example during the manhunt of him after the heroes find out The New Kid's parents are being held hostage by Mitch Conner. Human Kite's quotes primarily revolve around his superhero persona, with kite-related quips such as wind patterns and flying, as well as shooting lasers (in line with his Blaster archetype).

    Alternate human kite fbw